
Leaky Feeder Antennas Data Sheet

GORE™ 漏泄馈线天线

数据表格, 286.83 KB

GORE™ 漏泄馈线天线数据表格,包含描述,特性和优点等信息。

Performance Over Time

最近的一项研究表明,用户期待微波射频电缆组件优质耐用;然而,超过75%的用户却要经常更换其组件,造成这些组件失效的最常见原 因是安装或运行期间的损坏问题。根据电缆组件更换的频率,一台设备在其系统有效使用期内因此产生的直接成本最高达到250,000美元,而且这尚未计入因生产计划延误、劣质产品或重新测试和校准等问题所造成的间接成本。

installation simulator design

Describes the components of Gore’s Installation Simulator that replicates the rigorous conditions a microwave airframe assembly experiences while being routed during installation in an aircraft.

abrasion bar

Evaluates the durability and performance of microwave airframe assemblies before and after installation using Gore’s Installation Simulator to show the importance of selecting the right assembly that has been tested to survive real-world conditions.

Comparison Illustration

GORE® 优化型 RG400 同轴电缆产品资料;包括产品描述、特点、优点及技术规格。