
Various Protective Vents products

To ensure that our products deliver the performance and reliability that you expect, we conduct various tests and use key performance indicators during vent production.

GORE® Protective Vents - Snap-In Series - Data Sheet & Installation Guide

The Snap-In Series delivers fast reliable installation and durable protection for enclosure volumes of all sizes: from less than 0.5 liters up to 30 liters. Ideal for high-throughput or manual production, the Snap-In Series offers multiple performance options, including new PolyVent XS:  a compact, low-profile vent for today’s smaller, thinner-walled, lighter-weight enclosures.




螺纹型系列提供多种性能选择,能够持久承受机械应力和恶劣环境。这些产品均提供疏油透气膜,具有水解稳定性、抗紫外线性和耐温性。比较所有PolyVent选项,包括GORE® PolyVent不锈钢防水透气产品,其机械冲击抗性现可达最高等级“IK10”。可提供出色保护,有助于容积达20升的外壳耐受严苛的机械和环境条件。


GORE® Protective Vents - Screw-In Series

The Screw-In Series offers a variety of performance options that durably withstand mechanical stresses and rugged environments. They all provide oleophobic membranes and are hydrolytically-stable, UV- and temperature-resistant. Compare all the PolyVent options, including the enhanced GORE® PolyVent Stainless Steel, now top-rated “IK10” for mechanical impact resistance. It provides exceptional protection that helps enclosures up to 20 liters withstand the toughest mechanical and environmental conditions.

Attestation of Conformity

This document shows the Installation Instructions and Instructions for Use of GORE PolyVent Ex. In addition the relevant standards are listed and the attestation of conformity is described.

Dramatic Waterborne Moon Lights Keep Shining with GORE<sup>®</sup> Protective Vents

S&D是韩国一家领先的灯具制造商。 该公司的“月亮灯”可漂浮在水面上,同时营造出灵动浪漫的光影效果。 S&D公司与戈尔携手合作,确立了一种安装简便的解决方案,足以应对所有的环境挑战,包括应对较大的温度波动,消除密封圈压差,以及阻隔水和污物等。除此之外,还能兼顾到“月亮灯”的美观和产品可靠性。

Dramatic Waterborne Moon Lights Keep Shining with GORE<sup>®</sup> Protective Vents

S&D International Co., Ltd. is one of Korea’s leading luminaire manufacturers. Their Moon Light is designed to provide dramatic illumination while floating on water. S&D partnered with Gore to achieve an easy-to-install solution to all the environmental challenges – including wide temperature fluctuations, seal-stressing pressure differentials, and protection from ingress of contaminants and water – that could compromise the Moon Lights’ beauty and reliability.

Halogen Lamp Withstands Extreme Weather Conditions On Deck

在拖网渔船、集装箱船、领航船和渡轮等船只上使用的泛光灯必须能够承受特别恶劣的天气条件。由WE-EF研发的FL42卤素灯被世界各地的船用设备供应商用于提供甲板照明,该灯具能承受低至-40 °C的低温。

Halogen Lamp Withstands Extreme Weather Conditions On Deck

Floodlights used on ships such as fishing trawlers, container ships, pilot boats, and ferries must be able to withstand particularly rough weather conditions. The FL42 halogen lamp developed by WE-EF is used by ship equipment suppliers around the world to provide on-deck lighting that can cope with temperatures as low as −40°C.